Qui nous somme - who we are
Phoenix Media est née en pleine pandémie dans la région de Gatineau/Ottawa, alors que la population se trouve confiné dans leurs domicile du aux restrictions sanitaire. Privé de pratiquer son metier, Marc-Antoine Girard (fondateur/propriétaire) sous l’alias de DJ Phoenix, crée le projet Phoenix Media à partir d’une idée farfelue de produire un spectacle virtuel, dynamique et entièrement en 3D pour ainsi simuler un festival de musique électronique.
Phoenix Media is now 2 years and a half and a lot has happened since the beginning of this project that was made to distract my friends on Facebook. I am working hard on prototypes and developing futur products but most important, I am still learning a lot and discovering a new world full of possibilities. Working with new technologies is always full of challenges and it can take some time to figure things out. Thank you to all the people that believed in me and bought our first beta products. Also thank you to all the people that sent us message and demonstrating interest about my creations. The awaited website is now up and running, happy streaming!